Roth family business helps to contain the corona pandemic
Frank Fuchs, Managing Director of Roth Hydraulics, a subsidiary of Roth Industries, procured the masks as coordinator through his own subsidiary in Taicang, China. Roth is responsible for the costs of procurement and transport. Taicang is about 50 kilometres away from the metropolis of Shanghai. The goods have already reached the hinterland via Frankfurt Airport.
Marion Dersch accepted the 400 FFP2 masks including service boxes for distribution in the region on behalf of Dr. Birgit Wollenberg, medical officer of the health authority in Marburg. Diana Gillmann-Kamm from the Diakonisches Werk Marburg-Biedenkopf coordinates the distribution of the masks to the care facilities in the region.
Christin Roth-Jäger and Dr. Anne-Kathrin Roth, Managing Directors of Roth Industries, agree: "There is currently a shortage of protective masks worldwide. To help, we used our logistics network in China to procure the masks. This enables us to support the nursing staff in the district. Elderly people are one of the risk groups that should be particularly protected against infections with the corona virus".
Roth Maschinenbau cooperates with manufacturer of certified masks
Based on filter pleating machines from the product range of Roth Composite Machinery in Burgwald - also a subsidiary of Roth Industries - high-quality FFP2 and FFP3 certified respirators will soon be available from a cooperation partner. In doing so, Roth can rely on competence and know-how in mechanical engineering as well as on a wealth of experience in the processing of filter and fleece materials. Dr. Anne-Kathrin Roth explains: "The increased demand for certified respiratory masks for medical personnel in the treatment of Covid-19 patients will continue for some time to come. With our new machine concept we offer suitable solutions in this sector".
Für die sichere und hygienische Entsorgung von klinischem Abfall bieten die Dautphetaler Roth Werke die Service-Box. Sie eignet sich für die Beseitigung und Transport von festen gefährlichen Gütern in Krankenhäusern, Pflegeheimen, Laboratorien, Corona-Testzentren und Arztpraxen. Die handliche Roth Service-Box gibt es mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 170 und 250 Liter.
Man nennt sie "Filtering Facepiece", abgekürzt FFP und teilt sie in Schutzklassen ein (FFP2 oder FFP3). Diese Masken sind zertifiziert.
Sie sind aus mehreren Lagen Stoff, wovon eine wie ein Filter wirkt. Die äußere Schicht muss flüssigkeitsabweisend sein. Die Filterwirkung entsteht durch statische Aufladung bei Reibung der Lagen. Sie sind in der EU zugelassen.